Tuesday 20 January 2015

An introduction...

My name is Alex and I love gaming... wargaming, boardgaming, card gaming, pen and paper RPGs - I'm interested in it all.
I was a big wargamer in my teens but, like so many before me, I dropped out of the hobby not long after that.  It was only when I met my (now) wife that I was encouraged to take back up the hobby I had so loved in my younger days.
So, my return began with Warhammer Fantasy, then back to 40k.  Along the way I also picked up (or picked up again) Necromunda, Mordheim and Gorkamorka. I found homebrew rulesets like Kill Team and Inquisimunda.  So many options, so many possibilities...
And then I discovered non-GW systems - you know, the ones that you only discover if you stumble across an indie game store.  I started a few things: Warmachine, Dystopian Legions, Infinity, Malifaux, MERCs and Dust.  I'm most keen on systems that don't require me to have thousands of models just to play a 'small game' - I'd rather have small forces that I can actually get painted and on the table!
Along the way I became aware of the modern boardgaming and cardgaming scenes.  I had been a big fan of Pokémon TCG in my late teens (well, just a huge Pokémon fan really) and as my wife loves Pokémon too, we were naturally drawn back into that game.  Then along came other games; Weiss Schwartz, Cardfight and MLP.  Boardgames was a little jump - when returning from holiday one year I had some left over foreign currency. After changing it and having that burning-hole-in-pocket feeling I happened to check out a game shop in Birmingham - there was Zombicide Prison Outbreak.  It was almost as if it was fate! From there the interest in games expanded - board games, deck building, non-collectable card games - too many to list!
As for RPGs, I'm a collector of the classic World of Darkness systems, 7th Sea and first and second editions Legend of the Five Rings as well as a few other bits and pieces. I don't really play RPGs these days, but I still enjoy reading through the rulebooks and expansions to immerse myself in their worlds.
I hope to use this blog to achieve a couple of aims:-
To help encourage me to paint my backlog of miniatures for all sorts of game systems.
To give me a place to share my gaming experiences and thoughts with, hopefully, people that love gaming as much as I do!

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